Saturday, March 2, 2019

Arrived in Antigua, Guatemala

The language school I will be attending arranged transportation for me from Guatemala City to Antigua, which was really convenient. The driver and I conversed in Spanish all the way (a little over an hour), and with help, I am remembering more and more Spanish. My host family is very nice, and speak with me in Spanish too.

Unfortunately, I forgot my medicines and my charger cables in the Airbnb in GC, which is frustrating. I was able to replace the electronics at a local shop, but I'll have to wait until I go back next week for the meds. 

Classes don't start until Monday, so I went exploring. I found the Mercado, which is a bewildering maze, part indoor and part outdoor, of very close stalls selling all kinds of things, from aprons to zucchini.

Below (I hope- it's my first attempt to blog from my phone) are two photos.

The "chicken bus" is a local or long distance bus, and the buses are all customized with fancy paint jobs, lights, chrome, and sometimes extra embellishments. They remind me of Southerm California low riders.

The other photo is a profusion of people flowers I saw on a rooftop.

And now, buenas noches! (Good night.)


  1. Great picture and description of the bus. Love reading your blog. I can relate to forgetting charger and meds. It seems to happen to me once every two to three years. Have fun learning Spanish! Ten un buen viaje!

  2. Of all the things to forget, though!
