Tuesday, May 5, 2020

El Olivar

06 May 2020

The COVID quarantine has been de-escalated here in the Comunidad de Madrid, and we are now allowed to go out for walks at any time of day. Previously there were different times for people with children, elderly or high risk, and adults (anyone who didn't fit in the other categories).

There is an abandoned olive orchard near the house I am living in here in Rivas which is currently sporting lovely grass and wildflowers, where I love to go for my daily walks. There are a lot of people who walk there, especially dog walkers, but it rarely feels crowded because it's pretty large.  

Olive trees have a unique color and shape that I find really lovely.

There were a scattering of red poppies here and there, a brilliant contrast to all the more subtle colors.

  The occasional patch of thistles also provided color spots.

 I kept trying to capture the way these poppies looked to my naked eye and failing (although they are still pretty. Seen with the sun behind them, from this angle, they were translucent. Looking at them from the top, the petals looked as though they had been dusted with a fine opalescent glitter.