Saturday, October 10, 2020

Spanish Tortilla (omelette)

 10 October, 2020

Today I made my first ever Spanish tortilla! 

For my USA friends, in Spain "tortilla" is a large, thick omelette, traditionally made with potatoes and onions, but there are many variations. It is then cut in slices and served with bread or on a baguette.

Inspired by this Spanish cooking video, I used zucchini and cherry tomatoes instead of potatoes.
I had the heat a bit too high, but other than being a bit too brown, I am proud of my first effort as it came out all in one piece and was tasty! This should last me the next 3 days.

Yesterday I went to officially register my new address. The appointment was pretty efficient and painless, and unlike most government offices, it was in a residential area with a lovely little park on the grounds.

We started school this past week and it was quite intense, due to COVID schools have had to limit classes to 20 students which means dividing up the classes. Madrid is having difficulty finding enough certified bilingual teachers to cover all the classes that are taught in English, so this past week I was teaching English, Natural Science, and Social Science to three different grade levels. Next week (fingers crossed) they told me I would be able to go back to my usual duties as a Language Assistant, which means I won't have to spend every evening preparing lessons. We all have to take one for the team sometimes.

And for my teacher friends, check out this awesome teaching tool for kids, being modeled by one of my colleagues who teaches first grade! All the parts attach with velcro so they can take them off and put them back on. Isn't it the cutest thing?

DECEMBER UPDATE: Having now seen this anatomy apron in action in the 2nd grade classrooms, I can tell you that the children absolutely love it. It's very visual and fun for them and can be used in different ways such as just showing the digestive system or the respiratory system.