Wednesday, September 4, 2019

First day in Spain - pedicure, electronics etc.

04 September 2019

Day 1. Slept just a few hours as my body can't figure out what time it is. I made a quick trip to the grocery store yesterday, so I could have my usual breakfast. I found a cereal I like with some kind of bran flakes and dried fruits and nuts, and there were soymilk, almond milk, and oat milk to choose from.

Dragged myself out to go to my pedicure appointment (silly me, I thought it would be a relaxing way to spend the first day). The whole trip on the metro - about an hour, including transfers and getting on the wrong train - I was feeling extremely nauseated with jet lag. Nausea is one of my least favorite sensations, right up there with stabbing pain.

My mobile phone service from home worked for calls but not for data. Unfortunately, I had only connected with my beautician online, so I had no way to ask for detailed directions and Google maps wasn't working so I was relying on the map in my phone's memory, which didn't have any street names loaded. Apparently the street changes names halfway down so there are two buildings with the same number. The first one I rang the bell at I received a very short "no", so I must not be the first to make that mistake. Finally I found a Spanish girl willing to help and she got me to the right street, so I made it to my appointment only a few minutes late (sorry, Emily!). She did a fantastic job transforming my hooves back into feet and my toes look cute.

After that, my next task was to get a SIM card (that is how you get a phone plan when traveling internationally). Again, using the map from my phone's memory and the battery was quickly dying. The woman at the phone store was very sweet. She also had the most lovely blonde curly bobbed hair which I could not stop admiring. I now have a Spanish mobile phone number including data - yay, online map access!

Next stop: Media Markt to find a plug adapter to charge my computer and my Sonicare toothbrush. Dental care is important, people. Achievement unlocked!

Came home for a rest and crashed out for the rest of the day. I did manage to walk out to find the Lidl market nearby. A whole bag of groceries for 14 Euros, not even possible in the US. It is hard to find things because the shapes and colors of the packaging is often completely different. I never did find tissues, thank goodness I brought some handkerchiefs with me. The air is very dry, around 35% humidity, which makes the heat bearable, but I have already had one major nosebleed so I'm trying to drink as much water as possible.

This section of apartment buildings seems a bit seedy (graffiti and beer bars, no cute wine/tapas/chocolaterias in sight). However, there is this pretty aisle between the buildings which makes up for it. When it's cool in the morning and evening I see people down there.

The colors at dusk were so beautiful. I am often not successful at capturing what I see in a photo, but this time it's spot on.

The wind is picking up so it should cool down tonight.

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