We went in a hired van, and I spent the entire trip there looking at the scenery, which has changed drastically now that the leaves have fallen. In summer (and all my prior trips), the trees near the road have leaves on them and it's hard to see much of what is beyond them because the terrain is flat. This trip I got a good view of nearby farms and so on, and some of what I saw was rather interesting.
There were still some farmhouses with ears of corn stacked on the roofs like there was when I went to Xi'an. I saw quite a few goatherds with half dozen to a dozen goats, and even once or twice a couple sheep with the goats. There don't seem to be any fences between property lines, so the goatherds must keep them out of each other's crops. There was a fence between the land and the highway. I asked one of the Chinese teachers whether anyone eats goat meat, and was told that Han Chinese don'tusually eat goat or mutton, only minority groups.
An interesting thing which I noticed on prior trips is that many fields contain graves, marked by large hummocks of earth which are not planted with grass or anything. Occasionally there is a headstone or a bunch of colored streamers, but most of them appear to be unmarked (at least from that distance). The hummocks are built up much larger than just the earth moved to dig the grave, so I guess the mound itself serves as the marker. What I found hard to understand was why the graves seemed to be placed randomly in the middle of the field somewhere, rather than near the edges or all together close so that it would be easy to work around them.
I had no idea what to expect of a hot spring in China, and was pleasantly surprised. Although the town was small and in the middle of nowhere, the hot spring turned out to be a large and elegant resort hotel. There was a huge indoor pool area, in which were many, many small hot pools, each with different herbal mixtures in them and signs describing what they are supposed to heal. Plants were everywhere around the pools, and there were attendants with extra towels and tea. In addition, there were various kinds of jet and waterfall type apparatus to play with, a cool pool for swimming, and a waterslide. The waterslide was only open for about half an hour but we made the most of it! I haven't been on one since I was in high school - it's still fun!
The group wanted everyone to stay together but they also wanted to explore, so we kept moving from pool to pool all day. There was a long narrow pool with river stones in it to walk in to stimulate the feet, and a pool with small fish that nibble away dead skin (we did not try this one as it costs extra - I don't think I would have lasted more than thirty seconds in it anyway).
There were even more pools outdoors, and a little faux-cave complex with pools inside it that was quite atmospheric. The grounds were lovely, and there were covered walkways around the outside area. There was a room called "Hot Stone" which had a floor made of granite slabs, heated from underneath. There were wooden Asian-style log "pillows" so that one can lie on the hot stone.
At lunchtime we all went inside and were given Chinese style pajamas (loungewear?) to wear to the restaurant.

At the end of the day we all piled into the van for the ride home. I wished I had brought my mp3 player or something because it was quite dark by then, and as usual I couldn't sleep while riding. I did notice something interesting; there are no streetlights in the countryside, smaller towns, or even the larger towns except for the main streets. Individual houses don't have porch lights or outdoor lights as we do back home. The only light was the soft light coming from windows to show where homes were. It was rather nice, I've grown so used to streetlights everywhere I had forgotten what darkness was like.
The hot spring was like heaven and I wished I could stay there for a week. My back, which had been hurting a lot after a recent bicycle crash (car turned suddenly in front of me), feels soooo much better.
Sadly, when I got home I checked my messages on the computer and there was some very terrible news waiting for me. A very dear longtime friend was killed in an accident; this came as a huge shock. It is strange and painful to grieve from such a distance, unable to share with mutual loved ones and friends as one normally would. I find myself on the edge of tears easily and sleep doesn't come easy. I hope it won't affect my teaching this week.
My condolences for the loss of your friend. It is hard to lose someone and even harder not to be able to be there. Your good memories of your friend will hopefully comfort you in time. Know for now, many of us think about you and support you in your loss.
ReplyDeleteThank you Dmom.