Saturday, May 26, 2012

Autumn Flora, Fruit and Fauna

26 May 2012

The one tree on the property with colored autumn foliage has really been putting on a show. The variety of colors in the leaves fascinates me.

A small potted orchid which is still blooming - the blossoms are only about an inch / 2-3 cm in size and such an unusual color.

Starfruit, known locally as carambola. There is a tree on the grounds and I found this fruit so I thought I would try it. Unfortunately when I cut it, it had enough bruised parts that the cross sections didn't look pretty enough to photograph, and the taste - ugh, it tasted like oxalis, which we called "sourgrass" when I was a child. Maybe it's better cooked, like rhubarb.

Amazing moth I found in my house.  To my eye, it looked dark green and iridescent, but when I photographed it, WOW!  Look at the colors on its "feathers". Amazing.

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