02 October 2017
I'm trying the French bread recipe for the third time.
The first time, I followed the recipe exactly, with the exception of substituting in some whole wheat flour. The bread was good and I thought the recipe a keeper, but it made so much that I ended up eating stale bread for days.
The second time, I halved the recipe, substituted the whole wheat flour as before, and incorporated the oat mash left over from making oat milk. I left out the oil, and brushed the loaves with olive oil before and after baking. It was even better than the first time, much more flavor to the bread and the texture was soft but not dense.
The third time, today, I tried to replicate the previous batch, but I made the mistake of writing the halved measurements right next to the original measurements on my piece of paper, resulting in me adding the original amount of liquid to the halved recipe. The dough seemed awfully sticky when I had incorporated all the flour and I realized my mistake. Oooops! So I added enough flour to get it out of the bowl and hoping I didn't ruin it. I guess it will be another large batch, maybe I'll freeze a loaf or two.
So far, the dough looks normal. Crossing my fingers! (Where does that expression come from?)
Stay tuned for an update later...
And it's out of the oven and looking like bread! Taste test once it's cooled down a bit.