29 January 2012
Yes, I know, I am wayyy behind on uploading photos and making posts as usual.
On Sunday we went again to the river at Porto Ferreira just for the afternoon. The water was warm and the weather was not but not stifling. A perfect day to spend on the river. Fantastic time with fantastic friends!
Rather than buying supplies, we started with lunch at the floating restaurant "Costaneira" (which was no longer floating because the river level is much lower than it was in the winter).
Also with us was our new friend, Mr. Chicken. I am sure the other customers in the restaurant loved the music he made.
As you can see, the river was MUCH more crowded than it was in November, as it is now officially the summer holidays here in Brazil.
I was thankful for the shade on the bank, but these girls wanted to catch a few rays, even at the peril of falling backward into the water!
Going out in the boat... the engine of which was less than reliable that afternoon. It stalled repeatedly and had to be paddled ashore several times. Crazy.
Stalled, and waiting for the boat to drift back to the bank... hey, let's take more photos!
High fashion photo shoot...
Group photo time!
photo: Juliane Mai |
photo: Juliane Mai |