Monday, December 28, 2020

Parque de las Siete Tetas

 28 December 2020

There is a park here in Madrid which is named Parque del Cerro del Tio Pio (Uncle Pio's Hill Park), but which the locals refer to as Parque de las Siete Tetas (Park of the Seven Titties) because it has seven little hills clustered together. As far as parks go, it's not very remarkable in terms of landscaping or anything, but it does boast one of the best views of the city. It's also just a 15 minute walk from my apartment, but I didn't realize it until today.

So here are some views of Madrid as seen from my neighborhood (Vallecas). 


What's a public park without a piece of mysterious modern art? (Perhaps I should take up welding, this thing probably cost the city a small fortune.)

It was chilly, around 46 degrees F / 8 degrees C, and so windy at the top of the hill that it was hard to hold the phone steady to take photos. 

 The TV tower in the below photos is called the Torrespaña. I can see it from my bus stop in the mornings and it's one of my favorite sights because it looks different every day depending on the various weather and light conditions. The four skyscrapers behind it are the tallest in Madrid and can be seen even from the mountains in the distance.

I really like the panoramic photo feature on my new phone (Motorola Moto G8, I got it in August but there is already a newer model).

I look forward to a day clear enough to see the mountains in the distance, especially now that there is snow on them.

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