Saturday, October 9, 2010

Back again!

Got back from Xi'an last night around midnight. Train trip was dreadful but it was worth it to see the Terracotta Warriors, they will get their own entry later.

Monster kitten is fine, but I was horrified to find that he had run out of water. I gave him some immediately and he drank until his tummy stuck out like a drum. Poor little guy. Then he proceeded to attack my hands and feet until the wee hours because he was really keyed up, but today he is letting me pet him more than previously and purring like mad, so I rather like that change.

Today was a special school event to celebrate (six months belatedly) the opening of the branch school I work in, so I was up early and off to school, and then once I got home I spent the evening preparing tomorrow's lessons.

No time to look at trip pictures yet, but I (theoretically) have Monday and Tuesday off this week, so perhaps I can do it then.

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